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16 January, 2008

Tech Wednesday

Double feature
part 1
CIGS Solar Panels
There's a company here in Sweden (Midsummer AB in Kista, just outside of Stockholm) that is developing CIGS solar cells that will hopefully make them not only a lot cheaper, but also a lot more common.
What they're doing is using the same spluttering technology (and machines) that you use to make CDs, to make solar cells.
They come out like regular CDs, but just a bit "striped" looking.
(sorry, I couldn't find an image of it since the project has been very "hush hush" until recently)

Since we are making so many semi-conductors etc. (including the "old" solar panels), there will not be an infinite amount of silicone available.
(silicone usage is up 40% just in the last 10 years)

I think this is an important step towards finding an alternative way of providing a new energy source for everyone (that is affordable).

I mean there must be thousands of CD manufacturing machines around the world, have some of them spit these little solar panels out and sell them at a reasonable price.

Combine that with what some places in Germany is doing (or so I've heard) - That if you produce more energy (privately) than you're using, you will get paid by the energy company for pumping electricity INTO the grid that other people can use and pay for.

This, I think, would definitely encourage people to start producing more energy privately with more environment friendly means.

part 2
Macworld Expo 2008 Keynote
The two biggest announcements at today's keynote were the all new Macbook Air and that you can now watch new movies directly in iTunes.
Watch the keynote for more details here.

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