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Daily posts of my observations - Each day of the week has a theme.
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05 January, 2008

Game Saturday

Dice Game
(January 2008)
Before you keep reading, do yourself a favor and make an agreement with yourself that you will play the game, no matter what happens. If you don't - sure - nobody will know, but you will ruin the experience for yourself. Commit!
The rules are simple: Roll one die. Whatever side is showing corresponds to an action that you will commit to actualy go out and do.
Most actions are small, silly things, but hopefully it will make people think, or if nothing else - wonder...
Here are this month's game:
  1. Leave a note on a random car's windshield (under the wiperblade) saying "Thank you for all your help. Call me..."
  2. Call a local hotel and ask to leave a message for room 102. The message should be "meet me in the lobby at 10".
  3. Hang a piece of fruit (apple, banana or whatever) from a tree in a public area.
  4. Punch random numbers on the phone until it starts ringing. When the person answers, try to convince them that you are an old friend that you haven't seen in years.
  5. Find a parked car whose parking time is about to expire. Put a small amount of money in the meter for that car. (If the parking meter is a ticket machine, get a ticket and stick it on the windshield of the car.)
  6. Take a picture of whatever is outside your window and email it to me. (my email can be found in my profile at the top left corner of this blog)
Please leave comments of how things went for you. Send me pictures/videos/stories and if this catches on, maybe I will dedicate a website to this. Just remember, have fun..

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