About this blog

Daily posts of my observations - Each day of the week has a theme.
If you see something you like, let me know..
If you have something you want featured on this page, reach me at sleijon@gmail.com

31 January, 2008

Movie Thursday

Anton Corbijn's movie about Ian Curtis, the lead singer for Joy Division.
It's a gritty and intimate view into his short life filled with illness and depression.
Highly recommended.
This movie will not leave you unaffected.
More info here
Rent it here
Buy it here
Get it here

30 January, 2008

Tech Wednesday

Free Energy
Interesting "low-tech" project by the Interactive Institute in Sweden.
A post that can be placed anywhere around a city/community where you can get free electricity (to charge your phone, laptop or whatever) by producing it yourself with the crank on the side of the post.
Read more about the project here

29 January, 2008

Music Tuesday

End of January Mixtape

A mix to brighten your day.
(play and pause under the bottom, middle screw)
Like the mix? Get it here

28 January, 2008

Photographer Monday

Stephen Rothwell
Stephen is more of a photoshop artist, but works with photos to create his art.
Beautiful (but sometimes disturbing) images.
See more here

27 January, 2008

Reflection Sunday

Clip from West Wing

If the US could just find a presidential candidate who had writers who are as good as the ones on West Wing..

26 January, 2008

Game Saturday

Old School Arcade Game

I used to love these type of games back in the day..

25 January, 2008

Funny Friday

Between Two Ferns
This is the funniest (yet most uncomfortable) interview I've ever seen..

24 January, 2008

Movie Thursday

The Nines
At first I wondered, whay the hell is this?
Then hints start coming together and it becomes a complex and thought provoking movie (to some).
Highly recomended.
Read more about the film here
Rent it here
Get it here

23 January, 2008

Tech Wednesday

Simple 3D Viewing
Johnny Lee has made a discovery that has the possibility to revolutionize not only the gaming industry, but also the way we view any electronic media.
What he did is quite simple; by using the Wii sensors, he has turned his TV into a true 3D experience.
Watch the clip above and you'll understand what I'm talking about.
Imagine what the possibilities are!

22 January, 2008

Music Tuesday

Beautiful ambient, melodic music.
Perfect happy music to wake up to!
Mosaik is based in Stockholm, Sweden and you can find more by this artist here.
(there are also more music available for download there)
Apologies is Mosaik's latest release.
Get it here

21 January, 2008

Photographer Monday

Andy Bell
Check out this UK photographer's photoblog.
Tip: Check out portfolio and archives also..

20 January, 2008

Reflection Sunday

I couldn't resist..
Another clip from MadTV.
But this one has a message worth thinking about..
Critizism is easier to swallow with a spoon full of comedy..

19 January, 2008

Game Saturday

Paper Critters
Another addictive site that lets you design your own paper figures that you can then print out and put together easily with a little glue or double stick tape.
Great idea!

18 January, 2008

Funny Friday

Steve Jobs - iPhone
I thought this would be appropriate since Macworld Expo was this week..
Mad TV is the sh*t!!

17 January, 2008

Movie Thursday

Eastern Promises
A gritty view into the complexity of the Russian mob activity of one family in London.
Enjoyed this one quite a bit.
Check it out here.

16 January, 2008

Tech Wednesday

Double feature
part 1
CIGS Solar Panels
There's a company here in Sweden (Midsummer AB in Kista, just outside of Stockholm) that is developing CIGS solar cells that will hopefully make them not only a lot cheaper, but also a lot more common.
What they're doing is using the same spluttering technology (and machines) that you use to make CDs, to make solar cells.
They come out like regular CDs, but just a bit "striped" looking.
(sorry, I couldn't find an image of it since the project has been very "hush hush" until recently)

Since we are making so many semi-conductors etc. (including the "old" solar panels), there will not be an infinite amount of silicone available.
(silicone usage is up 40% just in the last 10 years)

I think this is an important step towards finding an alternative way of providing a new energy source for everyone (that is affordable).

I mean there must be thousands of CD manufacturing machines around the world, have some of them spit these little solar panels out and sell them at a reasonable price.

Combine that with what some places in Germany is doing (or so I've heard) - That if you produce more energy (privately) than you're using, you will get paid by the energy company for pumping electricity INTO the grid that other people can use and pay for.

This, I think, would definitely encourage people to start producing more energy privately with more environment friendly means.

part 2
Macworld Expo 2008 Keynote
The two biggest announcements at today's keynote were the all new Macbook Air and that you can now watch new movies directly in iTunes.
Watch the keynote for more details here.

15 January, 2008

Music Tuesday

This was definitely one of the best musical discoveries I've made in a while.
These guys are phenomenal!
Find out more about them here.
Please support them by buying their album here.
As far as I know, this is their self-titled debut album.
(if anyone has more information on these guys, please let me know)
Get it here: part 1 | part 2

14 January, 2008

Photographer Monday

Graham Jeffery
Who knew smoke could be this beautiful?
Graham Jeffery has a collection of smoke pictures he later colored and made into beautiful pieces of art.
His pictures really makes me want to give this a try..

There are also a lot of other types of pictures on his website.
To go directly to the smoke pictures, click HERE

13 January, 2008

Reflection Sunday

The Four Horsemen
First Hour:

Second Hour:

Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchins have an unmoderated two hour discussion.
Interesting and throught provoking.

12 January, 2008

Game Saturday

The Phonebooth

You can play the game right here.
Try to get out of the phonebooth..

11 January, 2008

Funny Friday

10 January, 2008

Movie Thursday

The Hunting Party
Didn't expect much from this one, although the tagline "How can they find the World's most wanted war criminal when the C.I.A. can't? (by actually looking)" definitely caught my attention.
A fairly lightly made movie about a heavy subject.
Full of clichés and shallow plots, but even so, it was entertaining and gave a view into the Bosnian/Serbian conflict - how correctly portrayed it is, I have no idea..
See for yourself.

09 January, 2008

Tech Wednesday

Future mobiles
Above is a new concept phone by Nokia.
It is not only a phone, but it can also sense and analyze your environment, health and local weather conditions.
It has solar cells that provide power to the sensors.
I'm a bit torn about this.
I enjoy seeing technology develop, but is this really a useful direction?
But then again, as with most concepts, they will hopefully take the good parts and scrap the useless ones.
(let's see..)

08 January, 2008

Music Tuesday

And the glass handed kites
Brilliant album (as usual) by Mew from Denmark.

07 January, 2008

Photographer Monday

Mikael Stålsäter
Check out his website HERE
I particularly like his "abstract" photos.

06 January, 2008

05 January, 2008

Game Saturday

Dice Game
(January 2008)
Before you keep reading, do yourself a favor and make an agreement with yourself that you will play the game, no matter what happens. If you don't - sure - nobody will know, but you will ruin the experience for yourself. Commit!
The rules are simple: Roll one die. Whatever side is showing corresponds to an action that you will commit to actualy go out and do.
Most actions are small, silly things, but hopefully it will make people think, or if nothing else - wonder...
Here are this month's game:
  1. Leave a note on a random car's windshield (under the wiperblade) saying "Thank you for all your help. Call me..."
  2. Call a local hotel and ask to leave a message for room 102. The message should be "meet me in the lobby at 10".
  3. Hang a piece of fruit (apple, banana or whatever) from a tree in a public area.
  4. Punch random numbers on the phone until it starts ringing. When the person answers, try to convince them that you are an old friend that you haven't seen in years.
  5. Find a parked car whose parking time is about to expire. Put a small amount of money in the meter for that car. (If the parking meter is a ticket machine, get a ticket and stick it on the windshield of the car.)
  6. Take a picture of whatever is outside your window and email it to me. (my email can be found in my profile at the top left corner of this blog)
Please leave comments of how things went for you. Send me pictures/videos/stories and if this catches on, maybe I will dedicate a website to this. Just remember, have fun..

04 January, 2008

Funny Friday

Elijah Wood Dance Class
What the hell happened?

03 January, 2008

Movie Thursday

Steal This Movie
Steal this movie is a biographical film about Abbie Hoffman
(played by Vincent D'Onofrio),
who was a radical activist during the 60's in the US.
He wrote the book 'Steal this book' - hence the title of this movie.
(1 hr 48 min)

02 January, 2008

Tech Wednesday

It's official!
Netscape is dead, and the Director of development at AOL (owner of Netscape) encourages all Netscape users to switch to Firefox.

01 January, 2008

Music Tuesday

Sons & Daughters
This Gift
This Glasgow band that has opened for names like Morrissey and the Decemberists.
This 12 track album is due out at the end of January 2008.

Happy New Year