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08 March, 2008

Game Saturday

Dice Game
(March 2008)
Before you keep reading, do yourself a favor and make an agreement with yourself that you will play the game, no matter what happens. If you don't - sure - nobody will know, but you will ruin the experience for yourself. Commit!
The rules are simple: Roll one die. Whatever side is showing corresponds to an action that you will commit to actualy go out and do.
Most actions are small, silly things, but hopefully it will make people think, or if nothing else - wonder...
If you don't have any dice at home, you can use this one
Here are this month's game:
  1. Write a note asking for a reply with your address, put it in a bottle and throw it in nearby water (sea, lake, river etc..)
  2. Take a picture of a man with a full beard and email it to sleijon@gmail.com
  3. Get someone you know to play this game.
  4. Next time you get a nigerian scam letter, engage the scammer and "flip it" on him. Find inspiration here, and get tips here.
  5. Play the dice game from January.
  6. Light a candle at the sixth grave you see at a nearby graveyard.
Please leave comments of how things went for you. Please feel free to send me pictures/videos/stories of your experiences. Just remember, have fun..

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