About this blog

Daily posts of my observations - Each day of the week has a theme.
If you see something you like, let me know..
If you have something you want featured on this page, reach me at sleijon@gmail.com

31 December, 2007

Photographer Monday

Amazing photographer who has an incredible eye for catching gritty situations.
Check out his pictures here.
(he posts a new picture almost every day)

30 December, 2007

Reflection Sunday

Special Comment 2007
Another thought worthy special comment by the ever so sharp spoken Keith Olbermann.
(in 4 parts)

29 December, 2007

Game Saturday

Play scrabble online with other people (live).
All you need to do is to get an account (free registration).
Available in both English and Swedish.

28 December, 2007

Funny Friday

Unnecessary Censorship
Timing of the beep is everything!!

27 December, 2007

Movie Thursday

Style Wars
A must-see classic from the early days of Hip Hop.
(1 hr 10 min)

18 December, 2007


Taking a break..
For the next week I will be on this island.
In the meantime - Happy Festivus!

Music Tuesday

LCD Soundsystem
Someone Great
Six tracks from their phenomenal album "Sound of Silver" with remixes of most of them.
Definitely worth checking out..

17 December, 2007

Photographer Monday

Andreas Gursky
This German photographer is definitely worth a second look.
A few of his pictures can be found here.
He doesn't have an official website, but please do a google search on him.

16 December, 2007

Reflection Sunday

Thought-worthy picture I found in DN (swedish newspaper).
(click on image to see bigger version)

15 December, 2007

Game Saturday

What will happen Jan 18th, 2008 at 12:36am?
(click on the image for clues)

14 December, 2007

Funny Friday

Demetri Martin
The funniest thing I've seen in a long time..
Long pointies.. Haha..

13 December, 2007

Movie Thursday

Star Wreck
"in the pirkinning"
Funny full length movie in Finnish!!!
(don't worry, there are subtitles)
Funny parody on Star Trek.
(1 hr 44 min)

12 December, 2007

Tech Wednesday

Need a new way to visualize your data?
Processing is an open source software that helps you put your numerical data into visuals.
Click the image above for a great example.
Get the software HERE
(more cool examples HERE)

11 December, 2007

Music Tuesday

In Rainbows (disc 2)
Comes with the $80 discbox!!
First you get to download the first disc for whatever you choose to pay, then to get the rest you have to shell out $80?

10 December, 2007

Photographer Monday

Bengt Björkbom
Bengt has been taking a lot of stunning pictures since the 60's.
Situation shots in black and white.
See more HERE

09 December, 2007

Reflection Sunday

New Rules
Bill Maher - sharp as ever..

08 December, 2007

Game Saturday

Guess The Google
(click on image to start)
Rules are simple; A number of images will appear and you have a short amount of time to guess the word used in Google images to get the displayed images.

07 December, 2007

Funny Friday

Andy Kaufmann
Andy goes on a TV dating show..

06 December, 2007

Movie Thursday

Conspiracy of Silence
A disturbing film about an organized ring of pedofiles among US politicians.
As usual with conspiracy theories - take things with a pinch of salt.
But this film, especially since there was such a vast coverup effort, is very disturbing.
(55 min 12 sec)

05 December, 2007

Tech Wednesday

Jefferson Y. Han
The future of computers?
Find out more about the guy behind the machine HERE.

04 December, 2007

Music Tuesday

Arcade Fire
"Intervention" from their album "Neon Bible" that came out earlier this year.
The other track is actually Calexico covering their song "Ocean of Noise".

03 December, 2007

Photographer Monday

Gérard Laurenceau
Find more of his brilliant work here:

02 December, 2007

Reflection Sunday

Special Comment

(click here, or on image to view video)
Keith Olbermann's special comments are always thought worthy.

01 December, 2007

Game Saturday

Dice Game
(December 2007)
Before you keep reading, do yourself a favor and make an agreement with yourself that you will play the game, no matter what happens. If you don't - sure - nobody will know, but you will ruin the experience for yourself. Commit!
The rules are simple: Roll one die. Whatever side is showing corresponds to an action that you will commit to actualy go out and do.
Most actions are small, silly things, but hopefully it will make people think, or if nothing else - wonder...
Here are this month's actions:
  1. Put a small amount of money in an envelope (no note/letter). Go into any small shop, give the envelope to the person at the cashier, give that person the envelope with the message "Michael told me to give this to you". Walk away.
  2. Find a picture online from a random person's vacation photos. Print out the picture, circle one of the people in the picture and write underneath: "Have you seen this person? Tell him/her to contact Michael". Put it up at a local bulletin board/wall.
  3. The next time you buy a cup of coffee/water etc, buy two. Give the second cup/bottle to the person behind you in line. Walk away.
  4. Find a random person's address, write a letter explaining that you miss him/her as a friend. Mail it to that person without a return address.
  5. Find a small piece of wood and write on it with a marker: "R.I.P. "Buddy" - Beloved pet" and stick it in the ground at a park or public area.
  6. Spend all day tomorrow using a made up name when you interact with strangers.
Please leave comments of how things went for you. Send me pictures/videos/stories and if this catches on, maybe I will dedicate a website to this. Just remember, have fun..